Thursday, November 09, 2006

Silk baubles

Earlier this year I fell in love with recycled sari silk, and have knitted with it to create a hat and bag, and also to use as embellishments in other projects. I love its chaotic structure and myriad of colours. It looks fantastic when washed and wound into balls...

I wanted to do something with this image, and finally struck on the idea of sari silk baubles as an image for Christmas cards. Here is one of the first batch. I am playing with alternative versions...


Dancin Fool said...

Can you make me three of those to use as juggling balls for my Christmas?

Mac's niece said...

What a great idea! I will see what I can come up with.

Dancin Fool said...

On a serious note, although I was serious I would really like three as juggling balls, but juggling is very popular still but there is a distinct lack of juggling balls for sale, I think they would go down very well!