Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Peace Gardens

I have been making peace gardens for a few friends who have Spring birthdays. I save nice ceramic pots through the year, stencil them, and plant them up with bulbs around November time. I keep them cold and dark, and then around the end of January/beginning of February I have some nice sprouted bulbs. I then have to hope and pray that the bulbs do not flower before the birthday of the intended recpient! (If they threaten to do so then the recipient has to have their present early!). The final touches are to add decorations suited to the person they will be given to. I usually add candles, incense sticks, beads, and a small figure.

Here are some details from the "good kharma bunny peace garden" and "poetry peace garden" I hope the people I have given them to have as much enjoyment from them as I have had making them.


Dancin Fool said...

Just to let you know we have semi emergence in the poetry peace garden of both Tilia and Grape Hyacinth, and another Tilia bulb is poking its' tip out. Thank you. xx

Mac's niece said...

Glad to hear that. The bulbs will hopefully give you many years enjoyment if you plant them out in your garden after flowering.

Hope you like the incense too... but wait until your cold has gone!