Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter fun...

I promised to explain a bit more about the yarn I showed in my last post... My fabulous secret pal found out which was my local yarn shop and arranged for a gift voucher to be sent to me so that I could start off my secret pal experience with my own choice of yarns. That in itself is lovely, but the extra effort that she went to in order to contact a UK shop from the US, explain all about secret pal, and get them to post out a voucher to me makes the surprise all the more wonderful.

The postman delivered the voucher at 12:30pm on Thursday, and by 1:00pm I was in the shop and making my choices. I got some Noro blossom (destined to be a very fancy and luxurious wool and silk scarf), some Louisa Harding sari ribbon (to use as an embellishment for a felted bag I am making) and some fabulously crazy yarn called Filorosa, which is hand knotted lengths of all sorts of textured yarns built up into a mad colour themed ball of loveliness which I think I am going to make into an eye catching, heart stopping cushion cover.

I have also been making another shawl. I mentioned that the one I did in Rowan kidsilk haze turned out smaller than I expected, and when I am honest it is more scarf size than shawl size. So I have started another one in some lovely cotton that my Mum bought me. I have not knitted in cotton before. It is lovely to work with, it glides on the needles. It's a simple pattern, but the slight sheen in the cotton makes the item look more interesting, I am also planning to edge it with some lovely glass millefeuille beads.

As soon as the shawl is finished (hopefully by Monday) I shall start on either the felted bag with sari ribbon embellishment, or the cushion cover which is destined for our newly decorated hallway.

My yarn basket now overfloweth with good things!

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