Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A diversion

To start the new year, I am being brave and showing a watercolour painting I did over the Christmas holidays. It was from a photograph in a book.

I took up water colour painting 2 years ago, but have not done any in the last 12 months for one reason and another (mainly my boy starting school and a number of small work projects).

Anyway I liked this one - this is actually just the part of it that my scanner could fit - but I am pleased with the enforced cropping, and shall try playing around with the rest of the picture (there is some moody sky which the scanner chose to ignore, and some more of the hills) until it all comes together. I am also thinking of doing another version with poppies in the fields (a bit like the old Cadbury's flake advert! - can you remember it?).

There is a funny story about my first painting lesson and Dahlias. I mention it to make those in the know laugh...

1 comment:

Dancin Fool said...

More paintings please! That really is beautiful, the colours really catch your eye. It reminded me in perspective of 'the scream' which also draws away from you into the distance, ignoring the figure screaming, the colour made me feel like I was there it is so vibrant.

P.S. Top Trees! xx