Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The night before Christmas

It feels like the night before Christmas. The secret pal pairings are due tomorrow, and I am looking forward to getting to know my secret pal, and also becoming a secret pal to someone else. I have been saving small boxes in which I can post my gifts to my secret pal, and have had so many ideas of great things to send, but so far have resisted so that I can find out what she (or he) likes and what she (or he) is in to.

Someone gave me a great way to sum up a day... it is to answer 5 simple questions. I jot these down every now and then, it is amazing how much it shows about a day and your frame of mind... Here is today's:

  1. If today were a colour what would it be? answer: orange.
  2. What smell sums up today? answer: freshly mown grass.
  3. What did you dream of last night? answer: dancing the flamenco.
  4. Name one thing you will do tomorrow. answer: paint my hallway.
  5. What is the best thing that has happened today? answer: going to my art class, and getting feedback on my painting of the riverbank.

There are no pictures to post today. The art class was mostly a demonstration on acrylic and oil painting, and I am waiting to buy a crochet hook before I can start my amigurami.

I got some nice reactions to my knitted flowers yesterday, and showed someone else the strange twisting thing you do to shape the petals.

Anyway... when you read this, hello secret pal, I am pleased to meet you.


Dancin Fool said...

Hello. So what was the feedback about your painting?

Mac's niece said...

Hi. The teacher said I should be pleased with it. That the buildings were done very nicely, but that I had put the paint on too thick for the trees, and that's why the perspective thing was not working so well in that part (left hand river bank). I agree with his criticism.

Next week we start our own 2 week projects. I feel like trying to do a picture of our house/street.

Dancin Fool said...

Hello! I felt I had to say, I am not an expert or a teacher but I love the trees on the left. I could walk straight into that copse.

I think sometime you should try a woodland painting. I think it would be brilliant.

Tree Judges Award 10/10

Mac's niece said...

Hello dancin' fool!

Many thanks for your lovely comment.

I would love to do a woodland scene. There is a lovely Klimt one that I would like to take my inspiration from... maybe I will try over the Easter holidays. Although I also have a David Hockney-esque idea for an acrylic painting.